Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Testing on Android

I got a BlackBerry device from work, but unfortunately the included (or any other) browser is not up to the strenuous demands of the Grendel. Using the AVD, I have a much better idea of real-world usage:


Felippe Montez said...


How can I download it for Android? Is it on Android Market?

Do you need any help or suggestions to develop it?

Felonious Ham said...

Hi Felippe,

Sorry for the slow response*.

It's just a webapp, so nothing specific coded for the Android platform. You can find the latest stable version here:


the development version here:


I'd very much appreciate any thoughts, bugs, or improvements you have. I'm not a Javascript wizard, so any web development expertise is also welcome.

* I thought Blogger would send me an email when someone posted a comment.