Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Port to Coffeescript

A new part of the v7 plan is a port to Coffeescript. I'd like to jump directly to Dart, but that's a long way off. I'm also looking to write some test code using some of the JS/CS testing frameworks:, Refactoring has become more difficult and error prone, and I can't put off best practice forever.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Resumption of Activities

After a long hiatus, development of the Player's Companion has resumed:

This version (0.7) is a port to the Pathfinder rules. The Ranger class is complete, and Sorcerer is coming along. Also damage reduction and special saves (eg v petrification, poison, etc) is now implemented.  Skills with subtypes (eg. Knowledge, Perform, etc) are now correctly handled.

The application is hosted on a Amazon EC2 instance, served by node.js. The code is now hosted on Github, using (predictably) git for SCM. Development has been massively simplified by these changes.

Also, I got a Macbook Air. It is wunderbar.

Friday, March 18, 2011

SharePoint via Java

God bless you, sir!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Another Scintilla Editor

require 'textadept'

local keys = _G.keys
local b, v = 'buffer', 'view'
local gui = gui

keys.can = { new_buffer } = { 'char_right', b }
keys.cL = { 'char_right_extend', b } = { 'word_right', b }
keys.caL = { 'word_right_extend', b }
keys.cj = { 'char_left', b }
keys.cJ = { 'char_left_extend', b }
keys.caj = { 'word_left', b }
keys.caJ = { 'word_left_extend', b } = { 'line_down', b }
keys.cak = { 'line_down', b }
keys.cK = { 'line_down_extend', b }
keys.caK = { 'line_down_extend', b } = { 'line_up', b }
keys.cai = { 'line_up', b }
keys.cI = { 'line_up_extend', b }
keys.caI = { 'line_up_extend', b } = { 'vc_home', b }
keys.cah = { 'vc_home', b }
keys.cH = { 'home_extend', b }
keys.caH = { 'home_extend', b }
keys['c;'] = { 'line_end', b }
keys['ca;'] = { 'line_end', b }
keys['c:'] = { 'line_end_extend', b }
keys['ca:'] = { 'line_end_extend', b } = { 'clear', b }
keys.caN = { gui.switch_buffer } = { 'goto_buffer', v, 1, false }
keys.cN = { 'goto_buffer', v, -1, false }
keys.ce = {

Monday, January 3, 2011

Installing a Bluetooth Headset on Windows 7

Thanks to Komeil Bahmanpour I can use my LG HBM-235 bluetooth earpiece with GMail phone calling.

(Windows will install the device but can't find the driver.)

Friday, December 31, 2010

Building a CLASSPATH in Windows

Thanks to Real's How To:

@echo off
if defined CLASSPATH (set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;.) else (set CLASSPATH=.)
FOR /R .\lib %%G IN (*.jar) DO set CLASSPATH=!CLASSPATH!;%%G
Echo The Classpath definition is %CLASSPATH%
java MyClass

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Notepad++, The New Editor King (or, jEdit Dethroned)

I finally gave Notepad++ an honest going over, and it is unquestionably the most flexible tool for editing text the internet has to offer. It:
  • handles my keybinding scheme
  • is fast(er than jEdit)
  • handles large files without choking
You can customize it to a ridiculous degree, and because it uses Scintilla for the editor, schemes should be portable across platforms (Geany, others).

Notepad++'s only real deficiency is its lack of full regex support.