Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tags location on Tiddlywiki

To move the tags box from the top right corner to the bottom:

<div class='tagged...

Must be moved below <div class='viewer... And above <div class='tagClear...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

v0.3.2 available for download

v0.3.2 features:

* Logging - Save game notes with xp, hp context
* Equipment - Magic items may have skill, ability, or other (fort, att, ac, etc) numerical benefits
* Monk special abilities - Flurry of blows
* Rogue special abilities
* Spell data complete
* Skill data complete
* Special ability (non-operational) data complete

Plenty of bug fixes (and probably plenty introduced).

Taking a break until I get a superphone, or even one human being besides myself shows some interest.